Monday, June 25, 2012


Im sorry to say, the Guns+ plugin did not work and only ended up messing up the rest of my plugins. But Im happy to say the Survival Games plugin was updated and now has new fetures and some major problems were fixed. I recommend this plugin for anyone who runs a Hunger Games server as the whole thing is fully automated, the chests are emptyed and refilled and the players are held in the start holes untill the game starts. Other plugins i recommend are EssintelsGroupManager, SimpleWarp, and Multiverse-Core. Multiverse is a great plugin as it can bind serveral worlds together so you can import worlds that you downloaded or made your self, I recommend useing GroupManager with the Multiverse plugin as it lets you change the groups and permissions for each world you have. That all for now, this was done on a ipod so spelling my kinda suck right now. ~Sypher aka Rinzler

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